So, it's midnight and the temperature is still about 24 degrees outside. This means that keeping the windows open to cool my apartment is pretty much a Sysiphian task... uphill all the way. It was 35 degrees earlier today. My apartment is hot. I'm sweaty. And I need to get some sleep tonight. I teach in the morning, but I'm still scorching and I haven't been sleeping much since our heat wave. Hell, I haven't even planned my lesson, but it's going to have to do with it being damned hot. Sure, rain is coming tomorrow, but that doesn't solve the problem of excessive sweatiness tonight. I feel like a damp dish towel which has been crumpled into a ball and recently opened... you know, that kinda damp feeling that you knew should've evaporated hours ago? It's not so much dirty as just unclean. Sticky. Someone may have simply slapped me in the chest (and other areas of my body) with a bag of tepid laundry. Not the cleanest of laundry either. Am I making my point? It's hot. And I don't think Rip Van W. is going to be too generous with his pixie dust tonight. Damn you R. Van Winkle and your hatred of hot climates for pasty prairie folk!
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Welcome to Kelowna!
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