Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer slowly walking...

I moved to a place that is celebrated for it's summer sunlight... mounds of sunlight, buckets of sunlight. There's so much sunlight here in the summer that you should be able to bottle it and sell it wholesale at Wally's World. But alas, this summer has shown just a hint of itself before retreating and hiding behind Spring's unpredictability. Some days are full of cloud and rain. Forecasts have called for thunderstorms. There is still snow capping the mountains outlying the city. And it's nearly July. However, summer still wants to linger slowly into town, waiting oh-so-long to make it's official appearance, even though solstice has come and gone. May was blistering hot and I nearly suffocated in the days of 36 degrees. But May left and took much of the heat with it, and rarely has a week passed without the threat of precipitation. So goes the crazy world of weather, I guess.

In other news, K and I are away for a camping trip this weekend. Yes, we're going to fight the masses of long-weekend campers and head down to Kettle Valley for some Rn'R. We've made some of the vital purchases now, including a camp stove, new portable BBQ, an axe, some cheap pots and dishes, citronella candles and a variety of other such nonsense that will be important once we get to the campground. One day we'll track down some fishing rods and figure out how to catch some trout, but I'll need some tutoring in that area from my pop before that happens. One day, though. On this trip, however, hiking, reading, card playing and vegetating will be the names of the games. And I'm just fine with that.

Finally, it's only three days until the end of the year. I have not yet secured a job for the fall, but in time all good things come. Or so I'm told. The nice thing about the end of the year, though, is the massive amount of food that is consumed and offered and provided around the school. It's almost like Christmas, but without the Toblerones and holly and tacky decorations. In the back of my mind, locations like Costa Rica and Thailand and the Yukon float around as possibilities for employment for the future, but no stones have been set down or carved. It's just a waiting game. With a lot of sitting. And a lot of hoping. And with the image of unpaid bills lingering immediately behind. But that's a thought for another day.

- T


Leah said...

where the heck are you?

Dimsumthing said...

Hey... I've been taking a bit of a hiatus from the blog... unofficially, of course. I've just been busy with work (painting) and exercise, and it's so bloody hot that until I discovered Facebook Scrabble, I haven't been online at all. I'm off on holidays tomorrow, but I'll start posting again soon. Thanks for the interest! ;) I've been keeping up with yours regardless. I hope all is well on the coast!