Friday, August 01, 2008

Talent and inspiration

Periodically, I'll poke around my "friends" on Facebook and come across people I haven't spoken to in many months, sometimes years. Since I've moved away from Alberta, I've lost touch with many old classmates and friends that I always enjoyed seeing.

Just a few minutes ago, I saw that a few of my old schoolmates were sending messages to each other via the lovely aforementioned social communication device, and I came across Jane's website. I knew that she was persuing her artistic endeavours out east at a school in Ontario, but I haven't spoken to her in a few years. Obviously what I thought was simply impressive in high school has blossomed into something even more intense.

Although the site is under construction, I urge you all to check it out. You just have to go to her homepage...

Just enjoy and let me know what you think. Jane, if you ever come across this page, I'm truly impressed.... all the best with your work.


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