Thursday, May 18, 2006

Just another quarter-life somethingorother

My mid-twenties catch me in a world between full adulthood, and a feeling like I'm far passed my youth. Seeing teenagers around me makes me feel old, but after mentioning my wife to a homeowner who's house I was helping paint, she thought I didn't look old enough to be allowed to have a wife. My 4 grey hairs tell a different story, as does the hairline that is slowly retreating from my face.

I've also started to realize that I'm quickly becoming the guy who talks about the bands of the "good old days", when the Foo Fighters were simply a dream of Dave Grohl's, as he was still fairly new on the alternative rock scene as drummer for Nirvana. The new syth-fused emo-rock that can be found extensively around the music scene has replaced my angst-ridden bands like Live, Creed and Pearl Jam. Every time I hear an Everclear tune on the radio, I bob my head to the beat, and sing my heart out when Collective Soul finds it's way into my ears.

The ironic thing is that I harass all the people 10 years older than me who still embrace AC/DC and Poison as heroes of rock and metal, who think Axle Rose is better than any mere mortal.

I know I've talked about this previously, but it still travels through my thoughts. Am I going to be the guy who rants on about his youth to his kids or his kids' friends, thinking that the better days are gone and it's all downhill from here? When did kids in their mid-twenties become so disillusioned about the world that there's actually something referred to as a quarter-life crisis??? It can't be that bad.


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