Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm still alive... and tired

I guess it's been almost 2 weeks since I've put up a post. Part of the reason for this is the fact that I didn't have too much pressing to share (not that I do now, but I was going through some blog withdrawal). The other reason is that school has been tremendously busy. But, the recent "semester" came to a close today and I can get away with being a bump on a log for a night without having the guilt of ignoring homework over my head. However, anyone that knows me understands that I'm pretty good at ignoring the guilt and procrastinating. I've got a disease... it's called procrastinosis. And it's highly contagious, so if you have stuff to do, maybe it's better that you ignore me.

School's been a little insane, and I've really been struggling with the fact that I am quite possibly the worst time-organizer on the planet. Or, at least on the block surrounding Oak Bay junction. I had to hand in 2 unit plans, a short 1000 word paper, and 7 journal entries, as well as give a short 10 minute "mini-lesson" for my English methods class, all in the past 3 days. Rather than working ahead and getting things done ahead of schedule, I sit on my rump and wait until the last possible second to start a project. I think the most frustrating part of this is the fact that I don't even realize I'm doing it... I just wake up the day before a project and realize that, hey! I've got to hand in a 25-30 page unit plan the next day and I don't have much of anything done for it! Something has to change sometime. Maybe I can get subsidized and be able to hire a personal organizer named Ted to follow me around and get me to do work in advance rather than at 4:45 a.m. (which is what time I went to bed on Monday night).

Okay, enough of the pity party. I'm going to post a few things that, lately, have really made my day. The first is from one of my best friends from out in Saskatchewan... he sent me an email the other day with a translation site that allows you to see your name in Russia. Check it out...

The second one was posted on R's site as well as J's site. It's a "youtube" link featuring a clip from the John Stewart Show. It shows Ted Stevens, a somewhat infamous buffoon and Senator from Alaska who is describing "internets", or "tubes". It's pretty wonderful...

J posted another link that showed the wonderful powers of dropping Mentos mints into Diet Coke... also wonderful...

Enjoy, and I'll be back again soon...

- T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

тревор Мрак! You are quite a guy! I loved the "conversion tool."

I'm also glad that you enjoyed Teddy Stevens, what a guy.