Thursday, July 06, 2006

A plug for a friend of a friend, and one for a website...

Since no one was too interested in my tirade from the other day, here's a couple things to look at.

First, two of my friends know a Canadian Idol contestant from, I think, Season 3, that was born and raised in Drumheller, AB. Her name is Jenn Beaupre, and has a fantastic voice. I heard her first 2 songs about 5 years ago, and her voice has matured a tonne since then. If you're interested in listening to her music and getting some free info/downloads, you can find her stuff at Take a listen.

Second, I'm taking another cue from L.G's blog. She mentioned a website where you can type in a song name or your favorite band, and the site will create an ongoing playlist that will stream into your computer. It's like a preferential personal radio station that plays both the song/band you mentioned, and plays similar stuff that you may be interested in. If you like the song, you can give it a thumbs up and the site will play more of that kind... if you don't, give it a thumbs down and it will steer clear of it. Try it. Love it. Embrace it.

That's all for now...

- T

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