Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thinking (One of those days)

This is just another one of  those days 
where I get to thinking about the past.
It's my fault, I know. I was the one reaching out.
I was the one who thought that a word, or a few, 
Would be enough of a bridge,
Enough of an opportunity
Even if it was just a song that made me think
Of a world I used to to know.

I know I have to be willing to consider
That you'll never take the first step,
Never be the one to send the letter
Explaining everything that's never been said...
The letter that would explain away all the silence
And all the sadness and all the things you've 
Come to realize.
Even if this realization is that you're ready 
To say goodbye.

I guess I can't change someone's history
Unless it's my own.
And I guess that this wishing is simple vanity,
Because the silence is all you know.
I've tricked myself in believing that I have the power
To change your mind.
But I know that I 'm just kidding myself...
I must not be what you're looking to find.


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