Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Although I'm not a big dresser-upper, I do like learning about the history of holidays. Although I'm not sure whether or not the veracity of this site's information has been thoroughly checked and rechecked, have a look at the brief history of Halloween. Those Catholics really know how to steal a holiday! :)


And here's a little Halloween poem I wrote... I'm not anti-Halloween, but since I didn't dress up today, I was being hassled by a number of people... So here you are...

To heck with all ye ghastly ghouls
Who prance around dressed up like fools
And bob for fruit and beg for treats
Never to prove thyself through feats.
A ding-dong here means fill the bag,
And a knock-knock says we'll play a gag.
So enjoy the ruckus and find my peeve
By playing the devil on All Hallow's Eve.

Back to work for me... all prep and no play make T a dull boy. But, dull I will remain for tonight! Ciao...

- T