Thursday, February 21, 2008


When weeks like this arrive, I start thinking of Jenga. Piles of blocks, vicariously perched on one another. Just things piled on top of other things, with very little room in between.

I guess I should qualify this statement. I don't feel like my Jenga-world is going to suddenly topple to the ground. But this week has just been a bit hectic, and stressful, and there hasn't been any time to really step back. Being back in the classroom full-time is still a hard adjustment... so many more people have so many requests of me and my time and expectations of me and my abilities, and it seems to stretch a person thin.

Yesterday was just the epitome of such a day. I had to go in for my "New Teacher Orientation" yesterday morning, which is about, well, 3 weeks late. Still, one of my VP's wanted to get it done and make sure they went through the proper motions with me, so I met him yesterday morning before school. I figured it would take about 10 minutes. However, after waiting in his office for 10 minutes, we spent the next 45 going over the orientation checklist of every possible scenario I may run into throughout the school year. I'm a pretty resourceful guy, so I'd actually sorted all that out already, but we went through the motions anyway. Thus, it left me about 5 minutes to get my room ready for the animals.

I then ended up with only about 10 minutes of my lunch because of a student who was having some serious issues keeping up with the material in the classes, missing my meeting for a social justice group I thought I'd have time to help out with. After school, I cleaned up my stuff, did a bit of prep work, then had to book it home in time to get picked up for my rec-league volleyball which started at 6pm last night, which was followed by another game at a different school with a different team (helping out a friend who was short-handed), and finally had to take off to the University to coach from 8-10, getting home just after 10. K had to run out to the office to get something done that she forgot (at 9:30pm!), so I arrived home to an empty house, and upon her return, she had to fill me in on her stressful day.

By 11pm, I was about ready to pass out, so off to bed I went. It was just one of those days. Although today's a new day and a new start, I have to get home shortly after school to cook dinner and start cleaning the house, as K's mom is coming for out for a funeral and is staying at our place. Oh, did I mention that I have a Pro-D day tomorrow, and I'm leaving for the Fraser Valley at 4pm (immediately after the Pro-D) to coach at a tournament until Sunday night? Like I said... Jenga. Piles and piles. The holes? They must be the fatigue.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.


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