He's possibly the funniest guy around. Thanks, J., for providing access to this wonderful clip that made me smile from ear to ear.
Not much to add other thanthe fact that my interim report with my university advisor went well, and after having a nice dinner with K, I've regained some calm. Have a good night, all...
- T
Hey Trev, I'm glad that your report went well! It's nice to read your blog and realize that I'm not the only person who occasionally feels totally terrified by the whole career thing. For some reason I thought that being an adult meant that you were ready for this sort of stuff - now I realize that it's the same as being a child or teenager, just with more responsibilities. But more money too, so that's nice... and you can stay up late on weeknights.
Well, I agree about the late nights and the reponsibilities... I don't know about the money though!
- T
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