Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And just because Cibi did it...

I'll do the same... here are the titles and first sentences from the first post of each month since I've been blogging... cheesy, I'm sure, but here ya go... a little blogging Nostalgia for everyone! I think Cibi actually put only the first line, but my need for complete sentences will override this expectation...

First post of April, 2006 (my first post ever):
Dear diary, I met the nicest girl...
Okay, maybe this isn't so much a private diary with stars on the cover where I muse on the juvenile influences of eighth grade.

May 3rd, 2006:
Getting screwed...
Another warning... work rant... only for those who care about how pissed off I am...

June 11th, 2006:
My life isn't really that interesting...
It's definitely been a couple weeks since the last posting.

July 5th, 2006:
A world of similarities...
I've been thinking a good deal lately about the differences among people, and the relationship of our identities in contrast to the identities of others.

August 4th, 2006:
Sometimes you start to lose hope in the media
Okay, I guess it may be more than sometimes.

September 1st, 2006:
Goodbye home, hello home
It's the same area code.

October 12th, 2006:
Fatigue, Stress, and anxiety... I love this job...
Did the title come off as sarcastic?

November 2nd, 2006:
And the season comes to an end...
Our volleyball team finished the final game of their season last night.

December 4th, 2006:
Entry 60... T.M.'s Guide to a Great Internship
Three more weeks to go! Weeeeeeee!

That's all, folks.

- T


Espaços abertos.. said...

Happy New Year, vots of Portugal

Kirk Schmidt said...

All I'm going to say is:

April 11, 2003
"Well, we all knew it had to happen eventually. I'm too politically and socially opinionated that I really couldn't go much longer without having a weblog..."