Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Resolutions and the like

I don't actually have any New Years Resolutions. And I've never really been interested in making them either. I appreciate the sentiment of grandiose declarations of change and improvement in one's life, but I'm highly suspicious as to why these changes don't happen at other times. Why not March 22nd? I'm sure it would be as good as any other day.

Okay, maybe this is a bit cynical. I know we all have good intentions to change something about ourselves when we get reflective, but it seems that a simple change of calendar year is just as arbitrary a holiday as anything else. Funny how this calendar thing affects us. Rather than indulge in this "I'm going to be a different person" thing for 2007, I'll look back on some of the more momentous things that took place in 2006 in the year of me...

10 "Big Things" that have happened in the past year:

1) Graduating with my University degree (my first one, anyway).
2) Having my 1 year marriage anniversary and my 5 year overall anniversary with K
3) Getting into the Internship program for teaching
4) Finishing my summer classes and my Term 1 practicum successfully
5) Selling "Grimace", my beloved purple Sunbird that gave me many memories and many times where I needed extra strength antacids for the stress that bloody purple beast gave me
6) Embracing the fact that my hair is not going to become any more plentiful, and shaving it down to stubble
7) Organizing an enjoyable and successful pub crawl for my fellow Interns at the end of the summer (I don't get out much, so this was a big deal!)
8) Working as a Trainer for College Pro in Calgary for a month... I'd never actually been contacted for a job I didn't apply for, and had never been flown out to a place for a job. Although I didn't make my million, it was thoroughly enjoyable.
9) Coached my first volleyball team... though not exactly successful in the W/L department, it was fun all the same
10) Heard about my first close friend to have a baby. Again, Congrats Mr. T, and Mrs. T as well!

These aren't really in order, but it pretty much recaps the big events of 2006. I've been filling out applications today for my acceptance into the BCCT, and on almost every sheet, I've had to scratch out "Jan. 2nd, 2006" and edit the year to read "2007". Although a big cliched, the year has flown by, and I guess we look forward to the next! I'll try to add some new pictures to the "My Pictures" section soon as a tribute to the year.

Bonne Annee, mes amis.

- T

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