Thursday, January 25, 2007


I haven't really been around much lately and I'm sure my 6 person/day readership has severely declined. Not that the 6 people who read this aren't important, I've just been ridiculously swamped with school as of late. Luckily, things are at least moderately under control and I think that by the weekend, I'll feel kinda okay about where I am with my workload.

I officially finished the last university classes for my program yesterday, even though I still have some assignments to submit for one class. I still have another 5 months of student teaching to do, but I don't have to jump through any more university hoops to complete this program anymore! I can't jump for joy quite yet, since I still have a boatload of planning to do before tomorrow and before next week, since I take over a 75% teaching load as of next Thursday. Pretty intense, I know. And really, it's mainly intense to me because I had a hard enough time handling a 50% load, let alone 3/4 blocks. Oh well, I have to just suck it up and do it.

In other news, I'm getting my Level 1 volleyball certification this weekend, paid for by the volleyball club I'm coaching now, and I'll probably even get my level 2 in a few more weeks. I'm also playing a game in a rec-league tournament tomorrow night, so hopefully I don't make a total fool out of myself there. I haven't really played since the summer (or at least October), so it might be ugly.

I should be back to more regular posts after this weekend. T-T-F-N.

- T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, at least you're not dead...

I'm currently reading a book by UW Professor John English called Citizen of the World (Volume I)... it covers Trudeau's life between his birth in 1919 up to 1968... Pretty sweet book - I think you'd like it.