Thursday, November 29, 2007

The 7 Weird Things Meme...

Okay, so I was tagged by sten because of the "clever foodiness" of my blog name. What comes below is a copy/paste/edit job from his blog.

Here's how it's done:

a. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
b. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
c. Tag 7 random people from NaBloPoMo at the end of the Blog entry by leaving a comment on their blog saying that they've been tagged in the 7 Weird Things meme, and include links to your blog in a comment.

I apologize in advance if any of this dives into the territory of TMI... too much information. There's a good chance I'll keep it G-rated, but we'll see.

So, here goes (in no particular order)...

1) I love the smell of rotting foliage. You know... the smell of leaves and dying brush and muck that comes about in late fall and the very first days of spring. It's lovely and comforting and makes me think of pumpkin pie and espresso.

2) I have approximately 12 hairs that grow on the top of my back, which I pluck with tweezers (because they're sparse, reachable, and for some reason VERY annoying).

3) I often sing the lyrics to random commercials from decades ago in my head and even out loud. I mentioned an HP sauce commercial and a Milk commercial the other day, and that's just one. Catchy jingles are my enemy, but my wife and I sometimes recite them to each other.

4) I love giving my wife nicknames that she initially hates and ultimately ends up embracing. She used to watch a tonne of Gilmour Girls, and there was a crazy woman in the show named Babette. So, as a joke, I started calling K by the name Babette (in the most affectionate voice possible). She despised it at first, and now loves it when I call her that. A very fond moment for me when I realized that she did, in fact, like it.

5) Every chance I get, I shorted people's first names to the brief form of said name. If their name is Matthew, it's simply Matt, or Michael and Mike (so on and so forth ad nauseum). However, I hate the sound of my own name shortened. I let K get away with it, and I have an old friend that I've known forever that has always called me that.... and I guess my mom and dad call me by a variation on the shortened version, but otherwise I think it sounds quite ridiculous. Ironically enough, I called a fellow teacher (one I know moderately well) by the common shorthand of her name, and she didn't hesitate to correct me (she liked the full, unadulterated version) and explain why. It happened about 7 hours ago.

6) I often feel like I'm living in a circus, and the people around me are performers or jesters of some sort. I've asked people if they ever feel this, and I'm almost always met with a strange look.

7) I like using random terminology in everyday conversation. Words like rubbish, extranneous, spectacular, chump, and other such words. I try to work them in, sometimes in a pun or just in an explanation of whatever it is I'm talking about. For this I also get weird looks.

I'm sure there are things that are more strange (and likely more disgusting, personal grime) about me, but I'll leave it at that. Now, I'll try to randomly select a few meme victims for this. I'm not going to use the Blogroll, though, because it takes a million years to load, so I Googled "Nablopomo" and these are some of the findings...

Big Fat Deal... about the portrayal of weight in society... I like the hook!

Sophie Junction... to be honest, I thought it would have to do with something philosophy related at first (because I'm an English geek and that's what I assumed at the site name), but she had some cool artwork up, so there ya go.

Adventures of a Bad Ass... since he's a college prof, we are both in the teaching profession. And I like the blog name "badassturtle".

Life: The Ongoing Education... another clever name, chosen at random. Also a cool looking space.

And Ciboulette... I couldn't bother to spend time looking for another one, so she's my last victim! Sorry L!

Now, to bed.



Lara said...

hey, thanks for stopping by my place and tagging me. :)

sophie said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, even if it didn't turn out to be what you expected. I was already did a close variation of your7 things last summer, so I'm going to consider myself done.

Dr. Bad Ass said...

Hey, I just did that 7 things meme last week! And I'm a she, not a he. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. I taught high school English for 12 years before moving to a position as a teacher educator . . . .