I'm just in quickly for now to put in a plug for an awesome website that a teaching acquaintance told me about.
It's called "Think Geek", and being the nerdy dude that I am, I thought this was hilarious. You can get something like this...
Yes, it's true folks... that's an Albert Einstein Action Figure! (I had another teacher friend who has a Shakespeare bobble head that I wish I could've stolen... it was awesome!).
There is also this shirt... definitely one of my favorites...
Yes, this is a shirt of the solar system that has the recently demoted dwarf-planet Pluto saying "weak." to the rest of it's solar system buddies. Awesome... simply awesome.
So, that's all for now. I'll hopefully be back later to get one more in!
Robyn and I have had to have a lot of self-control to not spending hundreds upon hundreds on this site over the last 6-7 years.
Heh... I believe it! I wish I would've known about it sooner!
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