Saturday, November 17, 2007

Second really brief post in a row

I thought I'd make more time to write today, but it simply wasn't meant to be. After getting a bit of a late start (as per usual on Saturdays), we had some breakkie and coffee and rolled out to the mall so K could exchange a dress for her upcoming work Christmas party. We had some grocery shopping to do, so we hit up Superstore and Costco, then headed home.

The afternoon consisted of more coffee (we're both overtired), and a whole bunch of cooking and cleaning. We're having 4 or 5 friends over for a potluck in about the next hour, so we cleaned from top to bottom, K baked up a delicious looking carrot cake, and I made a big pot of Spicy Chicken Stew... it smells delicious and I'm sure it's going to taste even better.

Off I go to make myself beautiful. It's a laborious process that I won't reveal here. More tomorrow related to work and having company and other such interesting things. Ciao for now...


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