First off, thanks to Cibi, K, and a number of other people who suggested reading The Kite Runner before diving into All Quiet on the Western Front (or any of the approximately 20 books that I have purchased but still have yet to read)... I'm only about four chapters in and I'm really enjoying it already.
At the same time as this, I am also still reading Atwood's book on writing that I've discussed previously (extremely quotable), as well as selections from The Best American Short Stories of the [20th] Century, edited by John Updike. I've read a few of the stories already, and have to shout out my love for William Faulker's story "That Evening Sun Go Down". I read The Sound and the Fury a few years ago and really loved it, but he's an author that I really have to dedicate some time to, since his prose is quite slow and dense, and his stories never hurry.
I've been wasting some time checking out the Blogroll for the NaBloPoMo, and I noticed a few things:
1) There are a lot of moms out there who blog.
2) I'd venture to guess that most blogs are written by women (why, you ask? I have my suspicions, but since I'd likely come out looking like a chauvinist twit, I'll keep them to myself).
3) Many of the blogs are even less interesting than my own (yes, this comment is seeping with a touch of egotism... but then again, isn't that the nature of these things?)
4) And just like with perusing the shelves at a local bookstore, I'm very selective as to the random books I pick up in order to learn what they're all about. Ugly type-set on the book? No thanks. Terrible graphics? Pass. Tacky or cheesy or downright brutal book title? Ummm... next. The same goes with blogs... I only really read the ones with clever names. I guess I may also check out some that may be about writers or maybe teachers or related things. Again, most of these are women.
A few blogs that seem well-written and intriguing have to be Awkwardly Social (clever and intriguing title, particularly since I can be both awkward and social), Brushes With Adulthood (since it speaks of the doom and gloom of getting to be something more than a university student), and Canuckifornia (simply a good title and decent writing). That being said, I've only made it into the start of the "D" section, and haven't mentioned others I read periodically that may or may not be participating. But Ciboulette (repesented by the L.G. link to the right) will continue to be a favorite, methinks... she's a friend of mine from the coast who is also a teacher-on-call, and although most of our friendship takes place on Facebook and through our blogs, I echo her thoughts and believe that we are, in fact, kindred spirits. Her pictures are much better than mine, she is a big fan of cooking, and she's an avid reader... is there much more to say?
In a kinda-sorta-not-totally-related note, I'm almost positive I have no chance at any prizes or anything for the NaBlo thing... Blogger has butchered my posting time labels that are supposed to pop up with every post, and even though I've written something every day (except the once where I missed my day by about 2 hours), it shows that my posting has been really erratic. But, I'm going to try to hang in there because I've enjoyed the trade off, from crappy TV to spending too much time on the internet. But, thems the breaks.
And to finish off with something completely random... I really DO NOT like Oprah. I'll talk more about this later, but I find her arrogant and self-righteous. Period. I'm sorry for any and all Oprah fans (Sorry mom! Sorry sis!)... but I had to say it.
You're a nice guy! I feel all warm and fuzzy over here. Thanks for the sweet words!
Most blogs do seem to be written by women, don't they? In fact, I don't think I subscribe to one blog, besides yours, that is written by a man. Actually I used to read this really awesome one by a 17-year old boy in Montreal who was into fashion, but somehow he dropped off the radar... Perhaps I should go looking.
Ta for now...
I most whole-heartedly agree about the Oprah thing. To me--she is like nails on a chalk board. ack.
I hate Oprah. And I totally judge blogs by their covers, too. Looking forward to reading more of your work!
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